Charge your electric vehicle for only 0.50 € including tax per KWh,
anywhere in France, at Interparking
Interparking is committed to eco-mobility and deploys electric charging stations throughout France. Cars, motorcycles, bicycles and commercial vehicles can now charge their batteries at Interparking, which offers one of the most attractive fare offers on the market.
One of the cheapest electric charging on the market:
0.50 € including taxes per KWh
In order to guarantee the satisfaction of its customers, Interparking guarantees
charging prices among the lowest on the market.
14 cities in France, 45 car parks, and more than 1200
charging stations by the end of 2023

While electric mobility is in full development in urban areas, Interparking wanted to offer its
customers the possibility to charge their vehicles on dedicated parking spaces.
By the end of 2023, Interparking has planned to deploy more than 1200 terminals in 45 car parks. By 2025,
nearly 1,500 new charging stations will gradually be installed in the group’s car parks in France,
representing 12% of its public parking space. This goal goes well beyond the 5% imposed by the
Resolutely committed for several years to a long-term sustainable development policy,
Interparking thus affirms its ambition to invest in the ecological transition and more broadly, in the
environment, supporting communities in their sustainable development policies and users in their
eco-mobile transition.
Interparking charging stations: accessible and easy to

Go to the parking spaces dedicated to charging. Just follow the signs to find them easily.
Close to each of the terminals, you will find a schematic instructions panel. You just have to
follow the steps step by step.
Please note: the bollards are AC models and offer a nominal power between 7 kVA and 22
kVA, suitable for parking time in car parks.
Watch our animation to learn all about electric charging
stations at Interparking France and their use
Doubt? hesitation? question? Contact us 24/7:
via intercoms located near terminals
call the hotline at +33 4 83 56 80 09
Interparking accepts most mobility cards
Interparking has partnered with several mobility operators to make your payment flexible. Several
mobility cards are accepted, but you can simply pay via your bank card.
The mobility cards accepted for the payment of your parking and the electric charge of your vehicle:
- Chargemap
- Muvext
- Digital Charging Solutions GmbH
- Mobilis
- WattzHub
- Bosch Charging Solutions GmbH
- Threeforce B.V.
- TanQyou
- Electromaps S.L.
- Blulinc
- Optimile
- EnBW mobility+ AG & Co. KG
- BE:MO (TotalEnergies)
- Freshmile
- GreenFlux Assets B.V.
- Shell EV Charging Solutions B.V.
- Stations-e
- Octopus Electroverse Ltd
- Route220 S.R.L.
- Bouygues Energies et Services
- ChargePoint Austria GmbH
- Bump
- Bornes Lib
- Izivia
- Volkswagen Group Charging GmbH
- Deftpower
- Grupo EasyCharger
- Diego Luxembourg
- Lodmi SAS
- Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH
- E.ON Drive
- SMEG Développement
- EV Map
- Robo Charge B.V.
- Road
- Tap Electric B.V.
- EVIO - Electrical Mobility
- Oriway
- TandemDrive
- Recharger mon auto
- Kuwait Petroleum (Belgium) N.V.
- Kuwait Petroleum (Luxembourg) S.A.
- Kuwait Petroleum (Nederland) B.V.
- Trafineo GmbH & Co. KG
- Group Projecten
Each individual action is a progression towards global ecomobility!
Interparking accompanies you in your green